protecting endangered species

The Impact of the African Wildlife Foundation | Tunde Folawiyo

March 17, 2014 Editor Africa’s Endangered PrimatesTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo oiltunde folawiyo profile

Since its founding in 1961, the African Wildlife Foundation – formerly known as the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation – has continually advocated for the preservation of the continent’s wildlife, utilising their power as an organisation to bring awareness to endangerment of many of African’s animals. Through these initiatives and with the support of citizens from […]


0 African Wildlife FoundationAfrican Wildlife Leadership Foundationconserving wildlife populationsdeveloping sustainable systemsmaintaining game reservesmission of the AWFprotecting endangered speciesTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executive