
Dwindling Rhino Populations in Zambia | Tunde Folawiyo

May 19, 2014 Editor Tunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo film festivaltunde folawiyo londontunde folawiyo oiltunde folawiyo profile

The African continent is home to an enormous amount of species, many of which are among the most majestic in the world. Whilst millions of animals inhabit the countries of Africa, human factors and habitat destruction have caused a severe impact on a notable amount of ecosystems, rendering a variety of species endangered or extinct. […]


0 AfricaAfrica's endangered animalsDwindling Rhino Populationspreventing African rhino poachingTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo profileZambia

Why the African lion must be saved from extinction | Tunde Folawiyo

May 2, 2014 Editor Tunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo oiltunde folawiyo profileWest African Lion

Just four decades ago, the continent of Africa contained more than 200,000 lions; however, by the end of 2012, this number had shrunk to 32,000. At this rate of decline, the African lion could be extinct by 2050. The increasingly small number of West African lions is particularly alarming, with the last report indicating that […]


0 AfricaAfrica's endangered animalsAfrica's greatest survivorsAfrican Lion and Environmental Research TrustAfrican LionsAfrica’s Endangered WildlifeBehavioural traits of lionsKenya's endangered Lionslion conservationTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo profileWest African lionsWorld Lion Day

A look at recent developments in African elephant conservation | Tunde Folawiyo

April 28, 2014 Editor african elephant conservationTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo londontunde folawiyo profile

Those who, like Tunde Folawiyo, are concerned with the conservation of wildlife, will probably know that up until the 1930s, the African elephant population stood at about 7-10 million; however, as a result of habitat loss and poaching, this number has dropped to approximately 300,000. As the demand for ivory continues to threaten the survival […]


0 AfricaAfrica's endangered animalsAfrica's greatest survivorsAfrica’s Endangered WildlifeTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo profile

Protecting the last of the Grevy zebra | Tunde Folawiyo

April 4, 2014 Editor Africa’s Endangered PrimatesGrevy zebraTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo oiltunde folawiyo profileWest African Lion

Last week, a Grevy zebra foal was born in the UK, at a zoo in Chester. The arrival of this creature was met with great excitement, as this particular zebra species is extremely rare, and currently classified as endangered. Tim Rowlands, the curator of mammals, spoke to the press about the newborn, explaining that this […]


0 AfricaAfrican ZebrasAfrica’s Endangered WildlifeGrevy zebraGrevy zebra huntingProtecting the Grevy zebraTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo profile

Cheetah population on the decline | Tunde Folawiyo

March 31, 2014 Editor Africa’s Endangered PrimatesTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo londontunde folawiyo oil

Whilst for many people, including Tunde Folawiyo, the lion is one of the most fascinating animals in Africa, there is much to be admired about this continent’s other ‘big cats’ too. Take, for instance, the cheetah; as the world’s fastest land mammal, this creature can reach speeds of up to 120km/h in the space of […]


0 AfricaAfrica's cheetah population declineAfrica’s Endangered WildlifeCheetah Conservation Fundcheetah populationEndangered Species ActTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo profile

Is the black rhino on the verge of extinction? | Tunde Folawiyo

March 28, 2014 Editor Tunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo film festivaltunde folawiyo oiltunde folawiyo profile

The black rhino is classified as being critically endangered, with over 97% of this species’ population having been wiped out over the course of the last 54 years. As a conservation enthusiast, this is something which Tunde Folawiyo will most likely find quite worrying. Most of the remaining black rhinos can be found in grasslands, […]


0 AfricaAfrica’s Endangered Wildlifeblack rhino horns smugglingblack rhino poachingBlack rhinoceroscritically endangered black rhinoIUCN's Red Listrhino species extinctionTunde Folawiyotunde folawiyo africatunde folawiyo biotunde folawiyo executivetunde folawiyo profile

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