Conservation Efforts Contribute to the Rising Population of the Endangered Mountain Zebra

Even though recent years have seen populations of the mountain zebra stabilise, the species is still considered to be endangered. As a renowned propagator for animal conservation, Nigerian businessman Tunde Folawiyo often posts about the protection of endangered species and will be all too aware of the threats still facing the mountain zebra in Africa. […]
The Future of the African Leopard in Zambia

Africa is home to an enormous number of wild animals, many of which are classified as being endangered, or at risk of endangerment. This is something which concerns a lot of people, including wildlife conservation enthusiast, Tunde Folawiyo. Tunde regularly updates his Twitter account with the latest developments on animal conservation efforts, sharing both his […]
From the Brink of Extinction: Africa’s White Rhino

Once upon a time, 50 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed free and men lived in caves, there thrived a species of creature which is endangered today. Africa’s white rhinoceros. The poaching trade in modern day Africa operates at a new level; one that is comparable to arms dealing or drug smuggling. With ever-increasing prices […]
The Black Rhino: Fighting A Way Back From The Brink Of Extinction

The black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis, also known as the hook-lipped rhinoceros) is indigenous to central and eastern Africa. Adult males stand as tall as 1.8 metres high at the shoulder, reaching lengths of almost 4.5 metres, nose to tail-tip, and attaining weights in excess of three tonnes. Despite its formidable size, the black rhino is […]
Protecting Africa’s Natural Beauty
A long publicised and acknowledged issue, Africa’s wildlife and habitat are under threat from human activity. One of the most productive conservation groups founded to protect the ecology of Africa against this activity is the African Wildlife Foundation. Facing the problem head on, the foundation is committed to tackling Africa’s environmental issues across four domains: […]
The initiatives of the Lion Conservation Fund
It is estimated that over 90% of the lion population in Africa has now disappeared. With such devastating losses, the African lion is now under a great level of pressure and could become extinct if new initiatives are not put in place to protect them. The Lion Conservation Fund is dedicated to doing everything it […]
Poachers continue to target rhinos in South Africa
The increase in the demand for rhino horn in Asian countries has resulted in a sharp spike in incidences of poaching in South Africa. The latter is home to more than two-thirds of the world’s rhino population, and as such is frequently used as a base by poachers hoping to cash in on this profitable […]
South African government proposes new measures to reduce rhino poaching
Rhino poaching is a significant issue in South Africa, with over a thousand rhinos being killed by poachers annually in South Africa. So far in this year alone, 277 of these animals have been slaughtered, and this number is expected to rise over the coming months. For Tunde Folawiyo, and others who are concerned with […]
Conservation of the pygmy hippo
There are fewer than 3,000 pygmy hippos left in Africa. Those that remain are mostly found in Liberia, as well as in certain parts of Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone and Guinea. At the moment, conservationists are unable to determine the exact number remaining in the wild, due to the fact that this species is naturally […]
The Decline of African Forest Elephants
With some conservation efforts to protect populations of African elephants proving successful, there have been many who have debated the need for a lifting of hunting bans. Recently, however, a new study suggests that the recovery of elephant populations may not be as strong as had been hoped. More specifically, the populations of African Forest […]